I know it’s a bit cliche to do a post about the search strings people use to find a person’s site. But ya gotta admit — some of the ways people stumble upon a personal blog are amusing, and a bit disturbing. Today, in the absence of having anything more interesting to report or blog about, I will attempt to address and greet my somewhat wayward visitors.
where can i buy 50s style table and chairs?
Well, this topic has been addressed many times here on Cracked Ice and Chrome, and I hope that you, dear visitor, found what you were looking for. There are many places to find these tables yet, including the good ol’ standbys like eBay or Craigslist, but I, after fruitlessly searching for one that was not only red but in decent condition, I decided to do what Maude and Claude did back in the day and just buy new. American Chairs has a great selection that will stir your retro soul. Check ’em out.
starry night silestone
. . . is awesome. That’s what I covered my countertop with, and I still get a thrill when I wipe the counter clean and see those silver sparklies shining through. Even after almost a year, there’s nary a scratch to be seen and the shine is still brilliant. The actual product name is Stellar Night. Beautiful stuff.
why in the movie peggy sue do the mirrors move differently
Because those aren’t mirrors, dear. The person you see in the “mirror ” of the movie Peggy Sue Got Married is Peggy Sue, but the person whose back is to the camera is a body double who is trying to very carefully mirror Peggy Sue’s every movement. The scene is flawed, however, and it’s kind of interesting to think about how very, very difficult it would be to try to replicate another person’s movements right down to the tiny shake of the head.
i hate ruffles
Me too. With a passion. Not the chips, though. I’m actually quite a big fan of salty, fat-laden foods.
gel fuel sams club
. . . is a rip off. I purchased a gel-fuel fireplace to adorn my new dining room, but was disconcerted by the price of a case of gel fuel. I like to burn fires often, especially on snowy days, and I wasn’t too excited to fork out $75 for 24 cans of gel fuel that I’d go through in a week. After searching online for some alternatives, I found an interesting blog thread that discussed using plain old (and cheap) rubbing alcohol to achieve the same affect. I hesitantly tried it, and found that yes, it creates the same flame for a fraction of the price. Of course, you don’t get the neat “crackle” effect that you do with the gels, and you have to be careful not to fill the cans too full and create spillage, but I’ve been using the rubbing alcohol for a year and it’s worked great. I save the actual gel fuel cans for when I have guests. (I’m actually still on my original box of gel fuel that I purchased a year ago!) Considering that I can buy a huge bottle of rubbing alcohol at K Mart for about $1.15, and one of those bottles can fill 2 cans about 3/4 full, it’s a great savings indeed.
chevron boomerang pull
Hello, kindred spirit. You like the look of those boomerang pulls too? Although I haven’t installed them in my house yet (I had full intentions too, but then I discovered that the hardware on my cabinets that I originally thought was an ugly 70s addition was actually original 50s, purchased from Sears). I searched and searched for good boomerang hardware, and came up with dead ends time after time. Thank your lucky stars that there are places like Rejuvenation around. They too appreciate the look of those boomerang cabinet pulls.
weird soup
Oh, my . . . you haven’t seen weird soup until you’ve seen this. I will apologize to your eyesight now before you venture away.
That’s it for now . . . until next time!