The new room is taking shape. The contractor finished mudding the walls, and I put an initial coat of primer on them on Saturday so he could touch up any spots. I suppose I’m learning why people don’t like non-textured walls in their houses: they show every single flaw. However, I wanted the walls to match the non-textured walls in the kitchen, so my intentions were good.
The flooring will be here on Wednesday, providing that the weather doesn’t slow the UPS truck as it meanders through the Midwest. Old Man Winter got sick over much of Iowa yesterday, and I’m awaiting word on whether school will be held or not. So far it’s a two-hour late start, but since the State Patrol is advising “no travel,” I imagine we’ll be cancelled within the hour.
No word on the chrome table, but we did have supper around the card table with two of the six cracked ice chairs. I only unpacked two because, knowing my boys the way I do, I know that unpacking them all will result in disaster. I just had to have two out for visualization purposes.