Shopping for the retro heart

Sometimes I’m lucky enough to find cool retro products just by using the right search terms. Other times, though, I stumble across retro products that seem horribly misplaced. In general, I try to avoid the kitschy retro products that try a little too hard. You know the ones I’m talking about — the rusted signs that say “Mom’s Diner” or a clock styled like a jukebox. On the contrary, I love products that truly look as if they could have come from the 1950s. Some manufacturers are getting a clue that there is an honest demand for this stuff. Let’s encourage them, shall we? Take a look at what I’ve found via Amazon just by searching for the term “retro.”

Aluminum tumblers in jewel colors. Is there anything cooler? (No pun intended.) I don’t yet own a set of these, but I want to. The only thing that dissuades me is my mom’s remembrance that the paint used to flake off the tumblers. Not sure if modern technology has found a way to avoid this. Does anyone own these? If so, could you enlighten me?

I truly have a weakness for retro-styled fans, and this one in particular. Who knows what wisp of willpower has kept me from buying this thing, for I think it would look superb as part of my retro kitchen. One can never have too much chrome, methinks.

Speaking of chrome, how cool would it be to have an ice crusher like this one handy in case you crave an ice-loving drink? I myself am fond of crushed ice in water or anything else; I dislike huge chunks of ice blocking the flow of liquid into my mouth, so something like this would be right up my alley. It uses no electricity, so it’s a green product, too. (Just had to throw that in there in the spirit of modern day.)

I’m not a big Sprite drinker, but I love this retro-styled straw dispenser. I wish they had more of a variety of these retro-styled dispensers, because I think one with red on it would look superb on my cracked ice chrome table.

No, I don’t have an obsession with fans . . . why do you ask?
This Vornado fan was my first love — fan-wise, that is. The cost is a little pricey for my tastes, though; I have a hard time justifying dropping close to a hundred bucks on a tiny little fan, no matter how effective it is. Someday, somewhere, I hope to find less costly one.

The retro styling of these cards caught my eye as I waded through the thousands of search results with Amazon. Everyone needs playing cards, and the styling of these cards would make any game a little more fun.

Do your own retro search and see what gems you can come up with, and feel free to share what goodies you find.

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