When it comes to a chrome table, buy new

img_3260A lot of people come to this blog looking for things related to chrome tables — particularly those chrome tables that are covered with the cracked ice Formica. I myself was in that same place about a year and a half ago when I first got a wild hair to obtain one such table. Red cracked ice is what I had my heart set on, and I’m a little embarrassed to say that it became somewhat of an obsession. I scoured eBay and local ads, pouncing on anything that said “50’s table” or “chrome dinette set.” But alas — as is the trouble with being an antique hound, it takes a lot of time and energy to find what you want. Even if you are lucky enough to find what you want, the other part of that battle is finding it in good condition. Continue reading “When it comes to a chrome table, buy new”
